Getting Married

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The Process

Some nationalities require a little more paperwork than others. Fundamentally it's simple; you need

  • Proof of who you are
  • Proof of where you're from
  • Proof of where you're resident
  • Proof that you're not already married
  • Proof that you're [fully-] divorced

Once you have submitted your forms to the local Zivilstandsamt, they will need to send them to the ? office in the canton. Following this you need to wait for 10 days before you can marry.


  • As a UK national...

Get yourself a new certified copy of your Birth Certificate. This is just over a tenner and does not take long. You must have a certified copy which is less than six months old when you marry. You will also need copies for any of your children.

Get your bum down to the Consulate and you'll have to get some forms completed, signed and notarised for about 75 francs

The Civil Office.(Zivilstandzamt) They will want your documents; once they have them and they're happy with them, you're good to go.

Getting Kitted-Out