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Each registered user/author will have a personal page such as this.

Feel free to use it whichever way you deem appropriate.

About me

I'm Danish, have lived in Switzerland since 2001, prior to which I spent 4 years in the UK and 5 years in Germany. I'm married, I have a son, I speak Danish, English and German, manage reasonably well in Swiss-German and could probably muster some very rusty French if pushed.

Workwise, I run my own company, ENIDAN Technologies GmbH which I hope will become a major success and make me lots of money :-).

My house in Herrliberg

My house on Bergstrasse in Herrliberg after heavy snowfall.

My house in Herrliberg after some heavy snowfall on 5 March 2006. I wanted to quickly test how to add graphics and/or photographs, that's all.

Where not to send email

Don't send any email to - all emails received will be classified as spam.