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Revision as of 06:53, 31 March 2006 by Pjessen (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to SwissWiki!

First-time visitor?

If you're visiting Swisswiki for the fist time, we suggest a quick browse of the About Swisswiki page first.

Expats-in-Zurich FAQ

The Yahoo mailing-list Expats-in-Zurich is where this Wiki was born. See the list of frequently asked questions from Expats-in-Zurich.


A Wiki is a collaborative tool used in many areas - some of the most famous examples undoubtedly being Wikipedia and Wiktionary.


Right now, I'm running the show on my own. Later on, I would like to establish a group of editors to work together on style and content. If you're interested in participating more actively e.g. as an editor, let me know.

For authors

If you are writing for Swisswiki, sign up for the Swisswiki-authors mailinglist. Also, although it is not yet mandatory, please create an account and login before you start writing.

Second, for the time being Swisswiki is a building site. Until we reach a certain amount of information, I suspect this will be the case. Feel free to play around and perhaps write the odd article to try out the Wiki idea and tools. When you're ready, perhaps have a peek at the User's Guide.

Consult the configuration settings list and the User's Guide for information on customising and using the wiki software.